Discounts, free weapon, and more

GTA Online's Gun Van was released last month as part of the Los Santos Drug Wars update; however, it has already made a name for itself among fans. It is a mobile business that sells illegal weapons and guns, where the prices of items are much lower compared to Ammu-Nation stores. This makes it the best place for players to buy high-tech weapons at cheaper rates, including the Railgun.

However, the game doesn’t offer the whereabouts of this vehicle until one is subscribed to the GTA+ subscription. That is why this article will share the location of GTA Online's Gun Van so that gamers can find it today, February 24.

GTA Online Gun Van can be found at Palmer-Taylor Power Station’s location today (February 24, 2023)

The current location of GTA Online's Gun Van today is the Palmer-Taylor Power Station. This power generation and transmission facility has been an area of operation for the seller numerous times now. Players can find it on the San Chianski Mountain Range in the Los Santos County region.

The latest GTA Online weekly update has also allowed the Gun Van seller to stock up on new weapons and bring fresh discounts to the sale. Here’s a complete list of weapons and armor gamers can purchase today by interacting with the vehicle:

  • Knife - 10% off, 20% off (Plus members)
  • Nightstick - 10% off, 20% off (Plus members)
  • Widowmaker - 10% off, 20% off (Plus members)
  • Heavy Sniper - 10% off, 60% off (Plus members)
  • Up-n-Atomizer - 30% off
  • Railgun - 10% off, 20% off (Plus members)
  • Baseball Bat - Free
  • Molotov Cocktails - 15% off, 30% off (Plus members)
  • Proximity Mines - 15% off, 30% off (Plus members)
  • Sticky Bombs - 15% off, 30% off (Plus members)
  • Super Heavy Armor - 20% off, 40% off (Plus members)
  • Light Armor - 20% off, 40% off (Plus members)
  • Heavy Armor - 20% off, 40% off (Plus members)
  • Super Light Armor - 20% off, 40% off (Plus members)
  • Standard Armor - 20% off, 40% off (Plus members)

Important things to know about the Palmer-Taylor Power Station location in GTA Online

Since this power station has been one of the least used areas in the game, here are some fascinating facts that most players might not know about it:

  • The station's name is a reference to the real-life band called “The Power Station,” and their members named Andy Taylor, John, and Robert Palmer.
  • Even though the power station is a huge facility with many different buildings, none of them are accessible. Players can, however, explore the stairs, ladders, and catwalks here and there.
  • If someone comes into contact with the transformers in the area, they will receive an electric shock.
  • Employees working at the station could be seen smoking despite it being a no-smoking area.
  • The station is owned by the Los Santos Department of Green Power.
  • It seems to be a natural gas plant, as suggested by the in-game events.

Rockstar seems to be using the Gun Van marvelously, especially after the recent additions of discounted weapons. It is safe to assume that a similar feature could be seen in the next game, supposedly called GTA 6.

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